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Quality education, improving lives, stabilizing and supporting families, support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations.
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Read the latest news from our blog:
Lisa Roy Baron – Call to Action
As the newly appointed Chair of the Board of the Friends of the GardenAerial, I am looking forward to being part of the transformation of the High Falls District. Early settlers were attracted to High Falls because of its power. The power was harnessed to launch...
Green Visions Update
We have now planted our initial seedling group of over 9,000 plants and they are happily growing away at the Garden Factory, our greenhouse partner for the Green Visions project. We will add several thousand more seeds which will be planted directly in the ground...
FlourGarden Breaks Ground!
We are so proud to announce that FlourGarden has broken ground! Today, almost 100 people braved the cold first day of Spring to attend the ceremony at 81 Browns Race. We even welcomed a class from the Enrico Fermi School #17. Thank you Dr. Spezio and third graders and...
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