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Read the latest news from our blog:
Friends of the GardenAerial Now Accepts Bitcoin Donations
As part of our 2015 Annual Fundraising Campaign, Friends of the GardenAerial has become the first not-for-profit organization in the region to accept Bitcoin donations. Working with Coinbase as our preferred Bitcoin payment processor, Friends of the GardenAerial can...
“Aerial” Photo Shoot
Tomorrow, we will have our official photographer, Walter Colley, headed up in helicopter to pass over the gorge at High Falls to snap some fantastic pictures of the entire area. We would like to extend an invitation to any and all people to come take a break and be on...
ROC Transit Day!
ROC Transit Day is Thursday, June 19 If you've ever thought about trying public transportation, ROC Transit Day is for you. Take the leap with thousands of other Rochesterians as we go carfree in support of a greener, healthier community. Organized by Reconnect...
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