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Quality education, improving lives, stabilizing and supporting families, support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations.
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Read the latest news from our blog:
Table for 200, please
Excitement is building this week for the Dinner on the Bridge, Greentopia’s first gala fundraiser. Greentopia has offered many free events in the past, and this fundraiser will help it continue to offer them in the future. Come July 16 (or the 17th if it rains...
See our FlourGarden grow!
This will be an exciting summer for Greentopia: construction starts soon on the FlourGarden, the first section of the GardenAerial to become a reality. The $800,000 project, designed by NYC’s Landgarden landscape architecture firm, will be completed in the fall. ...
NEW GardenAerial Promo Film…Teaser
Our new GardenAerial promo film, directed and produced by Don Caspar of Epic10 Films, is in final stages of production and will be premiered very soon. It will be both informative and, we hope, inspirational. And, it will be beautiful! Narrated by Lisa Baron, Founding...
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