Our Green Visions program is adapting, like us all, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Planting has begun at both our Joseph Ave. and Smith St. gardens! A late but great start! A special thank you to the Nature Conservancy for their continued support of our Joeseph Ave. location and another huge thank you to Harris Seeds for their seed donation and Lucas Green Houses for the space to start these lovely plants. Check out our partners’ Facebook pages here!
https://www.facebook.com/HarrisSeeds , https://www.facebook.com/LucasGreenhouses , https://www.facebook.com/tncny
You can find more updates on the Green Visions’ program Instagram page (@green.visions) or on Green Visions’ or Greentopia’s Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/greentopiaROC, https://www.facebook.com/greenvisionsprogram
Check out some great pics of the work our Green Visions Team has been doing so far!
planting on Smith Ave! New Earthway Precision Garden Seeder (introduced to us by Harris Seeds!)
Again a special thank you to Harris Gardens Lucas Greenhouse and the Nature Conservancy for their amazing help!